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राष्ट्रीय एड्स नियंत्रण संगठनNational Aids Control Organisation

NACO Update
Home >> NACP IV - PLANNING - An Update – June 15, 2011

NACP IV - PLANNING - An Update – June 15, 2011


The National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) has initiated the process of planning for the next phase of the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). In this regard, the first round of technical working group meetings has been completed and regional consultations involving multi-stakeholders are also underway. So far, the NACP IV planning process has involved a wide range of consultations with a large number of partners including government departments, development partners, non-governmental organisations, civil society, representatives of different communities, and experts in various subjects.

In addition, an E-Discussion forum “Moving towards NACP-IV - Sustaining and Maximising Results” has also been launched as on 14 June, 2011.

In this context, you are invited to go through the preliminary reports and presentations of the working groups available at . Based on your experiences, we request your inputs on the different areas under which the working groups are deliberating upon. Specifically, we would like to examine these areas with the over-arching questions:

1. What worked well under NACP-III, and Why?

2. What needs to be strengthened under NACP-IV, and Why?

For details on how to participate in this E-Discussion, please visit:


Your participation and inputs will be helpful in ensuring inclusive and informed engagement, taking forward and sustaining the gains from NACP-III to NACP-IV. Replies are requested by 28 June 2011.